Viewed at the national scale, natural disasters such as hurricanes, flood events, severe storms, and wildfires cause billions of dollars in damages to life, property, and community resources.

On an annual basis Congress allocates funding through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for disaster events that produce extraordinary disaster recovery challenges for states and local communities. These grant funding allocations typically come in the form of Community Development Block Grants for Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR), and recently augmented by the Community Development Block Grant for Mitigation (CDBG-MIT).

To date, MPTX has worked with several communities using this category of federal funding totaling approximately $18.5 million in infrastructure projects (CDBG-DR Infrastructure), approximately $8.6 million in disaster recovery housing acquisition and relocation projects (CDBG-DR Acquisition), and $35.1 million in HUD funded mitigation projects (CDBG-MIT).

Example projects include:

  • flood control infrastructure projects,

  • fire trucks and SAR vehicles,

  • radio towers,

  • flood-prone property ‘buyouts’,

  • hurricane protection facilities, and

  • road and bridge repair and construction.